Seamless information flow

Infrastructure development and management

The key to successful communication is the seamless information flow, for which we provide a solid technological background and a well-planned network infrastructure.

Quality communication

Let's create the basis of quality communication together: we have the appropriate engineering and design knowledge as well as the key manufacturer relationships to build your company's network infrastructure.

Take your business to the next level

Enjoy the benefits of modern technology. You can trust our professionalism, we provide, develop and support all-round ICT solutions for your company.
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Passive network infrastructure

We offer a wide range of product portfolio to provide your company's employees with the most modern devices alongside quality software and services.
We use the latest technologies and quality passive network elements: you can expect us to offer rack cabinets, patch panels, cables and end-point assemblies - we build a reliable network infrastructure.
Selection of quality passive network elements
Establishing network security

Competitive advantage

We work together with market leader vendors with special partner certificates. Our experienced developer team and engineers realize any kind of customer request.
Experienced network system engineers
High availability

IT infrastructure implementation and consolidation

Our infrastructure solutions include the installation of copper-based infrastructure, optical networks and substructures, as well as the design of wallfields. It is a key to efficient network operation, which last but not least increases the lifetime of your devices.
You can trust Bravonet team in case of outdoor and indoor cabling construction, as well as for outdoor works related to infrastructure development: we provide a complete solution.

Active network solutions

Selection and installation of active network elements, from on-site survey and planning, to installation and maintenance.
We provide active network devices for your company: you can rely on Bravonet team to build and optimize routers, switches, controllers, uninterruptible power supplies and wireless solutions.
Requirement discovery, design, implementation and maintenance
Selecting active network elements

Take your business communication to the next level

The quality of communication affects the entire operation of your company:
we ensure solid foundations
Contracted customers
Qualified professionals
Years ICT experience
Vendor certificates
Contracted customers
Qualified professionals
Years ICT experience
Vendor certificates

Safety power supply

Your IT equipment can be damaged by a potential network power failure, power fluctuation or power outage. But there is a greater threat, which is the interruption of daily work. The result of it is the loss of profit and loss of customer trust.
Avoiding damage and maintaining business continuity can be solved by using high-quality, reliable, battery-backed uninterrupted power sources.

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